Ayesha Bangla Gf Naked Ass Show

It took all my self-control to keep myself from pushing her hard to embark on a sexual relationship. Both of us were in marriages that lacked passion and romance; but it was hard for her to go against every rule about marriage and relationships that she had ever held.One evening, in her car, our making out got especially intense. She had allowed me to unclasp her bra and to caress, kiss and lightly nibble on her lovely, dense breasts. While my mouth was occupied with her breasts, I moved my hand to her tummy and caressed her there, then gradually to the tops, then the insides of her thighs, about halfway up from her knees.She was wearing pants with a belt. When I began to unbuckle her belt, she put her hand on mine to stop me, but then relented, and placed her hand on my neck, holding my mouth to her breast. I loosened her belt, undid the clasp at her waist and pulled the zipper down. I eased my hand under the elastic of her panties and found the spot where her external pussy lips. The electric tingle went down her spine again. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and nodded. In the parking lot, he held the passenger door of his car open for her. She asked where they would go. He smiled and quoted some proverb about the virtues of patience. She pouted. She hated when she had to be patient. While driving, he would brush her knee not-so-accidentally when shifting the car’s gears, each time leaving his hand on her knee for a little longer. Finally, putting the car into park at a scenic lookout, he slowly let his hand slide from the gearshift to her leg, rubbing his hand against her smooth thigh. His touch made her skin tingle. He caressed her supple, warm skin, slowly sliding his hand further up, moving it around her and finally pulling her closer to him. He reached down and let his seat slide back to make room for her, then pulled her leg over top of him. She straddled him, her breasts rubbing his chin as she breathed. He ran his hand along the back of her.
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